Karen Foster-Wells, the artist.

In Tall Grass

This image is of the front view of a white horse as it grazes in the grass.

In Tall Grass - Acrylic on strathmore 100% rag. 9" x 8".
NFS, tiles $15.

"Chevaux de Camargue" - Horses of the Camargue. Karen paints from location and these horses live in France. Karen is so very happy to share these with you as she went to France and got to live with and ride these wonderful historical animals!
"Almost glowing in the twilight, a tame gelding munches near a roadside fence, making it easy for me to get a picture of him. Their manes are so luxurious sometimes they flow on both sides of their necks." Karen

For More on these horses, click on this link, as Karen was published in the
"Equine Vision Magazine"


© copyright Karen Foster-Wells 2001-2003